I'm a Full-Stack Software Developer with a solid foundation in Object-Oriented and Client-Server programming 
and a passion for building responsive, user-centric products.

My interest in web development and computer language began c. 2005 at the start of the social media boom, when I began teaching myself HTML and CSS as I scoured the internet for whatever resources were available to keep learning more. Fast forward nearly 20 years and I’m happy to say this is still who I am at heart; someone with a relentless passion to just keep learning.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

JavaScript (ES6+)        WordPress        Vue.js        Selenium                      PostgreSQL               Figma | Penpot

recent projects

Solar Geeks online store

A multi-page Ecommerce Web App with API integration. Explore celestial products, register new accounts, and navigate between tiled and table views for an enhanced user experience. Offers full shopping cart functionality, user authentication and mobile optimization with a focus on component communication, Vuex datastore and Vue router.

Sneakers product page

A single-page application for product showcase with a focus on JavaScript, Responsive Design and CSS.

Read It developer forum

A simple full-stack web application that hosts community discussion on topics related to software development. Focus on API integration, asynchronous programming with Promises, and Vue router to 6 distinct views.

REST API build

A robust REST API to power an e-commerce shopping cart system, delivering seamless functionality for both unauthenticated and authenticated users. The project encompasses database setup, authentication mechanisms, and a comprehensive set of endpoints designed to handle various user interactions.